After more than 20 years of operation, the Educational Software Cooperative has been dissolved.
Since its establishment in 1992, ESC welcomed software developers, publishers, teachers, parents, students, webmasters, and other supporters of educational software.
ESC offered its members online forums where they could discuss issues ranging from educational technology to building a software business. The association featured a printed newsletter, a 17-year Member of the Month recognition program, annual meetings held at the Software Industry Conference (SIC), annual awards for outstanding educational software, a download site featuring members' software applications, and many other special projects that benefited the educational software community.
At a special meeting held in January, 2013 a majority of ESC's members voted to shut down the corporation. All ESC members were provided with a one-year membership in the Association of Software Professionals to afford them the opportunity to continue working together to further educational technology.
Note: As of October 2018, we have discovered a website posing as ESC. They registered one of the domains names formerly owned by ESC and have copied ESC's formatting, description, and menu. Their poorly written page poses as a site for teachers, but contains highly suspect links. As always, be careful where you click!